A Mission Statement: Defining YOU

Our finances can define who we are, but in the latest two-part Street Smarts with Taayla video, we’ll show you how you can use a personal mission statement to determine for yourself who you want to be.

Right now, you’re at the beginning of a journey, a journey to who you want to become.

If your future self is the destination, think of a mission statement as the map to guide you there. A mission statement, much like a roadmap, helps you, and others, determine how you will achieve your goals and make it to where you want to go.

You’ve no doubt seen businesses and organizations use statements of purpose to communicate what it is that they do, and you’ve probably felt moved by some, and turned off by others. However, a well-written mission is more than just the clever marketing of a successful business, it’s the key to individual success as well.

Only you can define who you are, and by taking the time to carefully do so, you’ll come out ahead feeling ready to grow and succeed.

A personal mission statement is a critical step in achieving future success.

Mission statements help you understand who you are, where you’re going and why you’re going there. By imagining your path to personal growth before you begin your journey, you can create a plan that is clear and effective. This visualization will help you make critical assessments of where you are now and where you want to be, and ideally, provide the roadmap to do so.

Pick up a pen and ask yourself: What’s my story? Who am I as a child, parent, or friend? How do I want to be remembered? What will be my legacy?

While these questions for self-reflection may seem big or vague, oftentimes, we already know their answers. Write them down without doubt and judgment, however they flow through your mind.  The things we like to do, the people we like to spend time with — thoughts like these guide the mission statement-writing process.

As you continue planning the map of your vision, choose a couple trustworthy people in your life and ask them for an opportunity to provide you with honest feedback about yourself, your values, and your ambitions.

Find the recurring themes between their insights and yours, and use this to create a rough draft of your mission statement. Try to be concise in the message you want to convey, and write this future self in the present tense. It doesn’t have to be in a certain format for now; the focus of this exercise is to learn more about yourself so you can create the foundation for defining you.

Enjoy getting to know yourself, and celebrate your unique path.

I would love to learn more about you, so please feel free to use the comment section below to share with us your mission statement-writing experiences.

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